Saturday, October 10, 2009

Not my number yet ....

I was there for the exam by 7am. Was the first guy in. Then a couple of others folks came in. Then I had guy working in cisco come talk to me. He said it was his 4th attempt. He asked me how many times i have been there I told him it was my first. Another person was there for his first shot. Then as we waited for the proctor to come pick us up we were chatting about how we prepared & stuff about cisco.

By 8.40 the proctor came & picked us up. He took us to the briefing hall. It was pretty exciting. Before we started we got a label stuck to our shirt on which it had our name & below was the word "CCIE" [well thats the closest I have come being a ccie :)]. Anyways we were briefed about how to login & other general instructions were given. Then we got to the pod.

The OEQ was pretty easy, nothing like the scary ones we heard in the study list or forums. I was done with it in about 10 mins. 3 were simple direct ones & 1 was a lil tricky & a lil vague. Then I opened the main question book. Read through it. Drew my diagrams. spent close to 30mins for it.

The I checked the configs of all the routers for the troubleshooting part & fixed the ones required. Then I started with my config portion. Everything went smooth. I was 90% done with my IGP part when the proctor called us for lunch. We took the 30mins to chill off rethink on some scenarios then came back.

At the start of the lab I was confident I thought I was going to make it. Yes, I was not sure on a couple of concepts but had the idea of how to do it. Everything went fine & dandy until I came upon the qos & BGP section. Damm I got stuck & that was te end of the road for me. I tried everything I could & referred the doc cd too. But then I couldn't make it. At that point in time I knew I was going to fail.

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