Friday, June 21, 2013

CCIE DC prep blog 1 - Storage

I have started with storage preparation as this is one the areas where I was not sure if i was strong or not. However progress was teribly slow but I have progressed well.

From the blueprint I have completed learning and practicing the following topics;

Implement Fiber Channel Protocols Features

Implement Port Channel, ISL and Trunking

Implement VSANs

Implement Basic and Enhanced Zoning

Implement FC Domain Parameters

Implement basic FC in NXOS environment

Implement Fiber channel over Ethernet (FCoE)
(I have not implemented this practically but I did study and practice this in detail)
Implement NPV and NPIV features 
(I had reiterate the concepts as I have practically implemented these in my designs)

The following topics are still pending;

Implement Fiber Channel Security Features
Implement Proper Oversubscription in an FC environment
Implement NXOS Unified Fabric Features
Implement Unified Fabric Switch different modes of operation 
Implement QoS Features
Implement FCoE NPV features
Implement multihop FCoE
Implement SAN Extension tuner
Implement FCIP and Security Features
Implement iSCSI security features 

Hopefully I finish these topics by this weekend and wrap up the SAN part. I am eager to get started with UCS and 1000v and finish the same by July end. Which means in august I can start with full fledged labs in august and I should be good to go for the lab by september. It is a aggresive plan, but I truly hope to achieve it.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

CCIE datacenter preparation strategy

Ok I love it when it comes to strategy. Especially when I need to prepare for an exam. Only problem is keeping up with the execution. I have broken down the CCIE-DC prep into five parts namely;

Nexus Switches - Swithing and features
Storage - MDS and nexus switches implementation of the storage
ACE - The load balancer
1000v - The nexus 1000v switch
UCS - Cisco UCS preparation

So the first task is the Nexus switches, but as I am engaged in some SAN switcing activity I will complete the storage first and probably start of with the nexus switch preparation. As I have extensive hands on the nexus swithces I am hoping to complete it at the earliest possible time frame. My pain points will include the 1000v, ACE and UCS. so probably I will start with ACE followed by UCS  and finally end with the 1000v.

For workbooks I am looking forward to the INE workbooks. There has been a heavy recommendation on the IPExpert workbook also. But ultimately unless IPExpert is going to come down on the price I dont  thing I can afford the workbook offered from them. It will also be interesting to see the workbook that will come out from narbik.

I will be using the cisco documentation and ciscolive365 material predominantly. I will have to lab full scale mock labs once they become available from either of the vendors.

Those of you who are prepating do comment on my posts and ensure to follow my  tweets. Its going to be an interesting road ahead up until september where I decide to take up my lab exam.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Busy Summer !!

Have been very busy setting up a new office for my organization.It was fun interacting with a variety of vendors, going through quotes and discussing possible options to setup the office. I have the opportunity to facilitate the integration of avaya system. I will go through the process one more time two months down the line.  The technical side of things  - configuration, testing etc just took one day and I am very proud of that fact. Its not very day you setup something like this  and have it setup in one go.

Coming back to CCIE data center preparation. I have been preparing SAN connectivity side of things. This is one of the areas that I want to push aside. I still remember how weak I was in such topics exactly a year ago & now its a breeze for me as I push through the technical aspects and configuration  part of it.

I have decided to blog my prep with count. I will blog both CCIE DC & CCIE SECURITY. I am going for the kill. I cant emphasize the aspect how much of respect a CCIE receives and the kind of tasks that we are asked to work through. Life is getting interesting every day in the technical world. I  truly hope it is more rewarding monetarily.

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