Friday, June 21, 2013

CCIE DC prep blog 1 - Storage

I have started with storage preparation as this is one the areas where I was not sure if i was strong or not. However progress was teribly slow but I have progressed well.

From the blueprint I have completed learning and practicing the following topics;

Implement Fiber Channel Protocols Features

Implement Port Channel, ISL and Trunking

Implement VSANs

Implement Basic and Enhanced Zoning

Implement FC Domain Parameters

Implement basic FC in NXOS environment

Implement Fiber channel over Ethernet (FCoE)
(I have not implemented this practically but I did study and practice this in detail)
Implement NPV and NPIV features 
(I had reiterate the concepts as I have practically implemented these in my designs)

The following topics are still pending;

Implement Fiber Channel Security Features
Implement Proper Oversubscription in an FC environment
Implement NXOS Unified Fabric Features
Implement Unified Fabric Switch different modes of operation 
Implement QoS Features
Implement FCoE NPV features
Implement multihop FCoE
Implement SAN Extension tuner
Implement FCIP and Security Features
Implement iSCSI security features 

Hopefully I finish these topics by this weekend and wrap up the SAN part. I am eager to get started with UCS and 1000v and finish the same by July end. Which means in august I can start with full fledged labs in august and I should be good to go for the lab by september. It is a aggresive plan, but I truly hope to achieve it.

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