Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day 3 - CCIE DC in 60days


Spent the day studying IVR concepts. I labbed the scenarios and it was fun.
 I labbed the FCOE and FCIP scenarios.
Brushed up on my FCOE and FCIP concepts and the entire day flew past me.
 NPV and NPIV features are also labbed up. FCOE NPV scenarios are also completed.
The IVR document from cisco that is very useful is as follows;

Some useful - free - brush up videos on FCOE is;

Tomorrow its time to review all of these concepts long with QOS & Security features.

Day 2 - CCIE DC in 60days

Day - 2

Its FCOE and FCIP day. I used the book I love to get the concepts right. The book is beautifully written. Knowing the con pets already, the book was a cakewalk.

But anyone who is staring out new on these concepts i really recommend you reading the book, please refer to my day1 post for this.

Also strongly recommend reading the documentation that cisco has, which is also beautifully written, the link is as follows;

I have deployed these many a times so there is nothing completely new but, there is always something new we pickup. There is one more concept i need to pickup and that is IVR. I will include that as part of my study list and lab.

Other considerations that will be useful include the following;

Alright see you tomorrow after i lab these concepts along with IVR

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day-1 - CCIE DC in 60days

Day - 1

Well if you are preparing for the CCIE DC, I would strongly recommend buying and studying the following book. Its a good starting point;

I started out with Fabricpath. I was moving with pure fabric path without any vpc+ implementation.  Then moved to fabric path with VPC+ implementation. Used the nexus 7k and 5k documentation. Labbing the scenarios was fun. Used my design documents and notes used for the implementations I had done to understand how and what I did making things easy for me.

Always remember there are different mac address aging timers for both nexus 7k and 5k. Then I went on to implement the advance features with authentication and adjusting the timers. I tested out some of the failure scenarios for both FP and VPC. So both the nexus switch unique features are covered.
The VPC design best practice guide is a must read.

Day1 rolled pretty quickly reading and practicing the Fabricpath and VPC concepts.

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