Tuesday, July 12, 2011

There is no one way !

Off late people have been asking the question, what was your approach to prepare for the lab.I tell them what i did .. then they ask do you think i should follow the same?
Well I tell them there is no one way to approach the lab. Do what you think suits you!

No matter how you prepare, ensure you know your stuff ! Don't rush through your preparation. Use real hardware ! Track your progress and ensure you don't have any grey area. Ask yourself questions about your preparation and answer them truthfully.

NEVER BE LAZY ! Don't feel lazy to go through some stuff your are already aware of. You never know you might learn something new. Join some study list. Ask questions, try answering the ones posted. You can be passive at least read though the questions posted and their answers. Have a open mind !

Practice Practice and more practice with lots of reading will take you there.

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